Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Here is where it starts...For Real

So...I bet you wonder what this blog is about, and so do I.  It will not always be grammatically correct, or always have perfect spelling, or even always be that interesting.  Sometimes I just need an area to vent, and this will be it.  I don't know if any one will ever read it, but I am writing it for me and hope you come along for the journey.  I am hoping to share some recipes, craft ideas, and thoughts.  This is my husband and I on a beach in San Diego.  It is an okay picture of my husband, but a decent one of me, and so that is what matters.  He always looks good in photos and I hate the way I look, so I always hang and use the good ones of me.  It is on pinterest  page as well.  Heck even on my Facebook page.  I will be putting more of him along the way, I am sure, me not so much. On pinterest, oh dear God I am addicted.  Hello, my name is Wendy and I am a pinteraholic.  I will say that I do make some of the things I find, so that is good, but I have so many it would probably take me three years to do them all.  That is if I stop looking now.  That ain't going to happen.  I am hoping to share how my items come out compared to the original pin.  Sometimes it works, and sometimes it is like what is that.  Speaking of pinterest, it has been over 12 hour since I pinned something, so I must go...right now, I am in withdrawal as we speak.  So...This is where we start...for real.

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